How Long to Start Earnings on Amazon Niche Site?

How long you should wait to see your first amazon earnings Smart Income source

It is a common question among new affiliate marketers. Before investing, they are interested to know how long an amazon affiliate marketer should wait to see the first earnings. In this short article, I will explain in detail. Let’s begin.

How long you should wait to see your first amazon earnings Smart Income source

Quick Answer: It depends on many things. But if you force me to answer is straightforward, I would answer: 6-8 months. It is the average time frame when you can expect to see your first earnings. There is good news, and if you follow the smart income source’s guidelines, it is possible to start earning within three months. It is proven and tested. I will explain everything in detail now.

I am talking about a brand new site. If you buy a domain today, you will not get tons of traffic within a month. Google algorithm is designed to prevent scams and spam. So you have to wait a few months to get the domain trust score in the google search engine. Then google will rank your site. After getting a little traffic per day, you can expect to see your first earnings.

Why does it take so long to start earning?

As I already said, when you buy your domain, it is considered a fresh site that doesn’t have any domain trust score. According to Google’s eye, it is a fresh website and too soon to rank. There is a popular word in the community called “Sandbox.”

The time until Google loves your site is called Sandbox. The average sandbox time is 3-6 months. It depends on your keyword competition and your niche. It takes anywhere between 1-3 months to remove the sandbox for a low, competitive niche.

How to remove the sandbox fast?

You can also expedite removing the sandbox by doing some Offpage SEO and building some quality backlinks. I am talking about social and branding backlinks. Social signals also help your site to get removed from the sandbox fast. You don’t need to force the search engine to rank your content. It is a black hat method, and your site can get a penalty anytime for your black hat method. So it is a good idea to be safe as you are investing for a long time.

How to start earning fast?

Everybody wants fast earnings. I want it too. There is no golden method that can earn you fast in my eye. I use the LCR and MCR methods to publish content. LCR and MCR method help me to rank my content faster and start earning fast.

LCR means Low Competitive Ratio, and MCR means Medium Competitive Ratio. If you target a keyword with only a few resources or no resources on the web, you will probably rank much faster than competitive content. That is what exactly I am doing.

By posting LCR content, you can expect to start earning from the 3rd month after building your website. You have to follow all of the guides and tips to start earning as fast as possible.

How many posts should you publish to start earning from amazon?

It is hard to answer. You can start earning after publishing a single content too. You can also have to publish 100 content. It depends on many things. But according to LCR and MCR methods, I usually expect to start earning after publishing 30 LCR contents.

I always keep posting short articles until I reach my goal. For a brand new site, I usually don’t care about the earnings as I know it will happen today or tomorrow. I just have given you an average idea so that you understand the matter very well.

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